Nov 2021
15 Kasım 2021 Seminer

Seminerler serimizden 15 Kasım Pazartesi, saat 13.30'da düzenlenecektir. Konuya ilgi duyan herkesi davet ediyoruz.
Bu proje, #GlobalAffairsCanada tarafından sağlanan cömert destek yoluyla #CRDFGlobal tarafından verilen bir hibe ile düzenlenmiştir.

The second of the series of seminars we have organized will be held on Monday, November 15, at 13.30. We invite anyone who is interested in the subject.
This project was made possible with a grant issued by #CRDFGlobal through the generous support provided by # #CanadaGlobalAffairs

Time: Nov 15, 2021 01:30 PM
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 7881 6881
Passcode: 154768

#womeninnuclear #nuclearsecurity #nonproliferation #womeninscience #womeninenergy #project

Seminer 2 Duyuru

Seminer 2 İçerik