Paper Guidelines
Should display the title of the paper (centred, bold, and times new roman 14- point font font)
Ad Soyadaa, Ad Soyadb ve Ad Soyadb
(12 pt, times new roman, center)
aIstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, Reneweable Energy Department, Maslak,
34469, Istanbul, Turkey
aYildiz Technical University, Energy Institute, Reneweable Energy Department, Maslak,
34469, Istanbul, Turkey
(12 pt, İtalik center)
Keywords: left justified, regular, italic and times new roman 12-point font, maximum 5 words
- Abstract (left justified, bold, Single spaced and Times New Roman 12-point font, maximum 1000 characters including spaces and punctuation), summarizing the main goals, findings and conclusions of your research.
- A4 size page formatting
- 2.5cm margins at all sides (top, bottom, left, right)
- The paper is limited to 7 PAGES, everything included: the cover / title page with abstract, references, appendix, tables, and figures.
- 1,5 cm spaced between the lines.
- Last deadline for abstract and full paper is 26 February 2018
- Abstract and full paper should be delivered to this until 26 February 2018.
Prof.Dr. Nilgün Baydoğan ( / 0212 285 34 92)
For more İnformation and Contact:
Dr. Osman ÜRPER
Prof.Dr. Nilgün BAYDOĞAN